[Linux Teamspeak3 server] Using the serverquery to disable weblist or recover administrative access
written on 5 November 2016
The teamspeak server query over telnet uses an unencrypted channel to transmit the password. However, you can set a temporary serveradmin password to (e.g.) disable weblist of your virtual server:
1. Stop the server and inside your teamspeak server directory, run the server temporarily with a fixed serveradmin password:
./ts3server_minimal_runscript.sh serveradmin_password=PASSWORD
2. Connect via telnet to your server on port 10011 (default) and login with the temporary password:
login serveradmin PASSWORD
3. To disable weblist on server 1:
use sid=1 serveredit virtualserver_weblist_enabled=0
4. To generate a new access token:
1. Connect via teamspeak client and find out the number in parantheses behind the group name in `Permissions > Servergroups`
2. Create a new token via serverquery:
tokenadd tokentype=0 tokenid1=<Group ID> tokenid2=0
5. Close telnet session, stop `ts3server_minimumal_runscript.sh` and run it again with a **random** PASSWORD
6. Stop the server and start the production server again
7. Clear out shell history entries containing the new random password